
Sunday, June 19, 2016

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

This film tells the story of humans with extinction due to the simian virus that unintentionally created from the research center where Caesar was born first. As a result of the virus, humans left on earth just a little bit. Instead, Caesar has been leading a very large primate colonies. They already have their own families and homes, even those well-organized like an army. They can even hunt by riding a horse. Peace is threatened when some humans into the forest where they live. Turns Malcolm and his friends did have to go into the forest to
fix a broken dam. The dam is useful to provide electrical power for the remaining human colonies in

Friday, May 27, 2016

Motivation Letter

      My name is Muhammad Haqi Yusuf and I am 19 years old. I have study in informatics of Lampung University. Since childhood i am very interested all about technology, that why i entered informatics. And in the future after graduate, I have plan to take a scholarship to continuous my study at software engineering in Japan .

      In informatics i've learned some subject such as Algorithm and Programming ,its about how to create a program using python programming language and i've make programs such as simple calculator, design a website and many more. Then Numerical Methods its about make a program without error. And many more that i've learned in informatics. I also have the basic capabilities that i can design a blog and I know about basic programming in Python.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Ouija Synopsis

          This film tells about the story of five teenagers ,they are laine, trevor (laine’s boyfriend),pete (debbie’s boyfriend), issabele (laine’s friend), and Sarah (laine’s sister) who want to communicate one of her friends who has died, she is Debbie. To do it they use a Ouija board. Ouija board is a plank of wood that contain numbers, letters, and symbols that supposedly can be used to communicate with the spirits of the dead.

They was curious and wanted to ask about the death of their friend (Debbie) with using a Ouija board. But unwittingly they had summoned the evil spirits of the home. The evil spirit is a spirit child doris zender a psychic who tortured by her mother and used as the experimental to summon the spirits.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Tropical Forest

Group Member:

1. Muhammad Haqi Yusuf (1515061030)
2. Harlika Nobra Setia (1515061029)
3. M. Reyhan Aditya (1515061027)

The definition of a tropical forest is natural forest located between lines 23 ° 27 'North latitude and 23 ° 27' South Latitude, located in the tropical climate. Tropical forests are in South Asia and Southeast Asia, northern Australia, most parts of Africa, the Pacific Islands, Central America and most parts of South America. Size of the tropics encompass 30 percent of the total area on the surface of the earth.

In the area of ​​tropical forest there are only two seasons: the rainy season and the dry season, with rainfall tinggi.Berbeda with sub-tropical or temperate that has four seasons, summer (summer), autumn (autum), winter (winter) and spring (spring). (Ardiananda, 2008).

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Who are you ?

     I am a student of informatics at Lampung University. I really like all about Informatics because in informatics I could learn to make a program and develop it. Apart from that I also have the basic capabilities that i can design a blog and I know little about basic programming in Python. I can use all of microsoft office programs. In English I know some vocab and arrange it into a sentence. I also speak English directly and I really like play scrabble because the game can increase the knowledge of vocabulary.

Who are you in the next ten years ?

     In the next ten years I will be a programmer who create a program that can help people, and especially for my company later. And then I want to make my parents happy on their life. And I will make a program that easy to learn

Saturday, January 2, 2016

The Foundation of an App

Tugas Kelompok

Listing  2-2 the location class.location java
Packagedouble net.zenconsult.android.model
Publiclass location {
            Private String identifier;
            Privatedouble latitude;
            Privatedouble longitude;
            Public location () {
            Publicdouble getLattitude() {
            Publicdouble setLattitude(double latitude){
                        Return latitude;
            Publicdouble setlattitude(double latitude){

Android Architecture

The applications

            The application component of the android operating system is the closest to the end user.this is where the contacts,phone,messaging, and angry birds apps live. As a developer your fhinished product will execute in this space by using the APL libraries and the dalvik VM. In this book,we will extensively look at this component of the android aperating system.

            Even thought every component of the adroid operating system can be modified,you will only have direct control over your own applications security.this does not,however,give you free rein to ignore what happens if the device is compromised with a kernel or VM exploit.ensuring your application does not fall victim to an attack because of an unrelated exploit also your responsibility.