Group Member:
1. Muhammad Haqi Yusuf (1515061030)
2. Harlika Nobra Setia (1515061029)
3. M. Reyhan Aditya (1515061027)
The definition of a tropical forest is natural forest located between lines
23 ° 27 'North latitude and 23 ° 27' South Latitude, located in the tropical
climate. Tropical forests are in South Asia and Southeast Asia, northern
Australia, most parts of Africa, the Pacific Islands, Central America and most
parts of South America. Size of the tropics encompass 30 percent of the total
area on the surface of the earth.
In the area of tropical
forest there are only two seasons: the rainy season and the dry season, with
rainfall tinggi.Berbeda with sub-tropical or temperate that has four seasons,
summer (summer), autumn (autum), winter (winter) and spring (spring).
(Ardiananda, 2008).